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Ian Moore

  • Specialist advanced communication and study skills coach
  • Well over 40 years of experience in high school education sector
  • Fellowships from the Australian Collage of Educator and the NSW Teachers Guild

Ian has been honoured with a prestigious Fellowship from the Australian College of Educators, further complemented by receiving dual honorary fellowships from the NSW Teachers Guild. These accolades celebrate his exceptional contributions to creative teaching within the realms of mentoring and motivating students in acheiving their best.

In a nutshell, Ian's coaching and mentoring practice is informed by many years of teaching and believing his students can overcome all barriers to their learning and achieve well beyond their expectations. He has taught in a variety of roles and worn many hats, but according to himself: "My philosophy and approach is summed up by these three quotes:

“More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given.”

Bertram Russell

“Educators just haven’t realised the benefits of creativity and have not been taught innovative teaching techniques.”

Ken Robinson

“Creativity is the greatest gift of human intelligence and creativity is a learned action, not something that you’re born with.”

Ken Robinson


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