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UCAT Calculator: Convert your UCAT Scores into a Percentile Rank

Your next step is the Medical School Applications and Medical Interview Preparation!

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The following UCAT Percentile Calculator can help you estimate your UCAT rank

Note: This calculator should be used as a guide only, as the actual UCAT percentile can be slightly different. Universities usually do not release the actual UCAT scores, UCAT percentile, and/or  UCAT rank cut-off scores until the actual academic year has started. That is, once everyone has been interviewed, and students have been accepted into the medical/dental courses, only then universities will know the actual Range (lowest-highest) accepted UCAT Score, UCAT Percentile, ATAR, OP, GPA for the given academic year.

Therefore, if you are wondering if your UCAT score or UCAT percentile, and your academic achievement is good enough to receive an interview offer, the reality is, that no one really knows, not even universities themselves as at this stage this information is simply not available.  Therefore, reflecting on the last 20 years of our experience in assisting students getting into their chosen medical courses, in order to increase your chances of becoming a successful applicant,  we highly recommend that you apply to all of the universities which offer undergraduate medicine and dentistry, choose ‘bonded placement’ (providing you are happy to accept ‘bonded place’ if offered), ensure you are ready for the interview well in advance of the actual interview period and see what happens at the end.  

Each university has different selection criteria and admission procedures, which can vary from year to year. We encourage you not to shut down your dreams of becoming a doctor just because you think that your UCAT score or ATAR is not high enough. If you don't apply, you will never know if you stood a chance of securing one of the university spots to study the course of your dreams.   

Please note, the below calculator is to be used as an approximate guide only and not for the final conversion of your actual UCAT scores to their official UCAT percentile for the given year.

Use the UCAT Calculator to enter your UCAT scores to find out what your approximate UCAT percentile ranking is. Please note, the exact percentile will be available via the Pearson VUE website once the UCAT scores are released.

UCAT ANZ 2024 Summary Test Statistics

Not yet available. Please check this space at the end of August / early September.

UCAT ANZ 2023 Summary Test Statistics

Final summary statistics for UCAT ANZ 2023 The following table shows the Scaled Score Statistics for candidates taking UCAT ANZ from 03 July – 21 August 2023 (14,109 candidates). A small number of candidates took the test outside the test window and are not included in this summary.

ucat scores percentiles 2023


UCAT ANZ 2022 Summary Test Statistics

The following table shows the final statistics for candidates who sat the UCAT ANZ, from 1 July – 12 August 2022 (13,891 candidates). Another 18 candidates took the test outside the test window and their data are not included in the analysis. (Retrieved from UCAT ANZ / Pearson VUE, 2024). 

ucat percentile scores results calculator

UCAT ANZ 2021 Summary Test Statistics

The following table of summary statistics of the scaled scores for UCAT ANZ 2021 should assist you understanding your results in relation to those of other candidates. The scaled score range for each cognitive subtest (and the SJT) is 300 – 900 and the range for the Total Score (sum of the four cognitive subtests) is 1200 – 3600. A total of approximately 14,000+ candidates sat the UCAT in 2021. (retrieved from UCAT ANZ / Pearson VUE, 2021).

UCAT 2021 scores

UCAT ANZ 2020 Summary Test Statistics

The following means and deciles are based on the scores of the 14 092 candidates who have tested in 2020.

 ucat scores percentiles 2020

UCAT ANZ 2019 Summary Test Statistics

The following table of summary statistics of the scaled scores for UCAT ANZ 2019. The scaled score range for each cognitive subtest (and the SJT) is 300 – 900 and the range for the Total Score (sum of the four cognitive subtests) is 1200 – 3600

ucat scores percentiles 2019

What does UCAT ANZ say about universities and how will they use UCAT Scores and UCAT Percentile?

UCAT results are made available before most of the university application deadlines and you should use them to help inform your university choices. At NIE we highly recommend that you apply across all universities in Australia, in order to maximise your chance of receiving an interview. You must note, that the UCAT percentile expectations may vary slightly each year. 

Universities will provide information on their websites regarding application deadlines and how they use the test in admissions.  For some universities, the UCAT score is a significant factor in their consideration of applications. For others, it may be a less significant factor or only used in marginal situations.  Most universities consider the total score (i.e. the score after each of the cognitive subtest scores have been added together). Some, however, do look at individual subtest scores and may even have a cut-off score for a particular subtest. 

Some universities have a threshold score that candidates have to achieve in order to be considered further in their admission processes. This score is often determined each year but universities will usually indicate on their website threshold scores that have been used in previous years. 

Other universities use UCAT alongside factors such as academic achievement and interview performance. The factor may be significant or may contribute a small amount to the final outcome. 

Some universities use the score (sometimes in addition to the above uses) to discriminate between candidates who have ‘scored’ equally at some point in the process. The UCAT score provides an additional way of ranking such candidates in order to decide who can proceed to the next stage. 

A small number of universities use the test to provide opportunities to candidates who perhaps would not have progressed to interview (for example) using traditional selection methods. This may advantage candidates who have not have achieved the highest academic score but have performed particularly well in the UCAT.


Your next step is the Medical School Applications and Medical Interview Preparation! These steps you can't leave until the last minute, start your preparation early. 


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