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Is your child aiming for a career in medicine or dentistry?

Becoming a doctor in Australia

Posted: March 29, 2024

Att: Parents whose children are considering a career in medicine and/or dentistry

Students considering a career in medicine or dentistry during Year 12 will need to sit a compulsory entry exam known as the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) before they can apply for relevant placements in the aforementioned fields of study within most universities in Australia.

Year 12 Students

If your child is sitting the UCAT in 2024, the ‘NIE Simulated UCAT Day’ will help fast-track UCAT preparation, especially if your child has not done much work yet. Even if the student has been preparing already, the workshop is a great opportunity to attain some additional strategies and to also assess personal readiness by attempting a UCAT difficulty level trial test, which will be provided as part of the training. If your child has not started UCAT preparation yet and requires training resources, then please have a look at the Comprehensive UCAT Course

Years 10 – 11 Students

The ‘NIE Simulated UCAT Day’ workshop is also beneficial for Year 10 and 11 students who are considering sitting the UCAT in the future. The ideal approach to preparing for the UCAT is to start low-frequency and high-consistency preparation in the early stages of senior high school years. While students can and will have to still spend some time preparing during Year 12, it would be much better if the bulk of the UCAT preparation has been completed before the start of the busy Year 12 schedule. This way, the candidate would only need to spend about 1-2 hours per week practising maintaining UCAT pace, rather than spending more time on the ongoing UCAT preparation and stressing about the Year 12 work. Therefore, we recommend officially starting UCAT training by participating in our full-day intensive UCAT preparation workshop (Simulated UCAT Day). Or if you wish for your child to start with complete UCAT training already, then please have a look at the Advanced or Comprehensive UCAT Course.

UCAT PREPARATION (For Year 10, 11 and 12 Students)


27 April 2024Advanced Skills Masterclass Webinar


11 May 2024Casper Test Masterclass Webinar

MEDICAL INTERVIEWS (For Year 11 and 12 Students)


  •    Students, teachers, and parents are invited to attend.

               FREE Admission


  • 4-day attendance program in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane
  • Age: 14 - 18 years old students

The "Future Doctors Australia" program. This engaging and high-impact 4-day program WILL  provide young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will be able to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical's specialist's relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them. Spots are strictly limitedTell me more...

ACADEMIC INSIGHTS PROGRAM (11-day residential program in Sydney)

Medicine, Psychology, Veterinary Studies, Creative Writing, Engineering, Business Management

  •  Age: 13 - 18 years old students
  •  Spots are strictly limited

This immersive Academic Insights 11-day summer program provides ambitious high school students with an unrivaled experience studying undergraduate-level subjects at the University of Sydney. Enrolments are open to students Australia-wide (13-18 years of age). Spots are strictly limited. Tell me more...


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the UCAT, Medical Interviews, or a career in health.

Best Wishes

Sasha Tymoshenko
NIE Course Coordinator
UCAT NIE - National Institute of Education    |
1300 974 187 | 0404 197 178 | 0412 439 115

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