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UCAT, Interviews, Med School Applications

Free Webinar - Coming up! Don't Miss!

Posted: September 10, 2020

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Considering a Career in Medicine or Dentistry?



FREE webinar: Pathways into Medicine and Dentistry 

TopicsUCAT / GAMSAT / Interviews / University Applications / University selection criteria / Gap year / Plan B, and much more...)

When? 18 February 2025,  7.00pm – 9.00 pm (AEDT)

Audience: An excellent opportunity for Year 10, 11 and 12 students (Year 13 NZ), parents, and teachers. 

PresenterZobair Bary (Author & coordinator of the NIE Medical and Dental School UCAT and interview training programs. Founder of the Future Doctors Australia Program).




What else is on at NIE?

Available programs for Year 11, 12 and 13 students

Future Doctors Program: Medicine (4-day attendance: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne).

Academic Insights Program: Medicine, Psychology Engineering, Business Management, Creative Writing and Veterinary Studies (11-day residential summer holiday program in Sydney).


Intensive Interview Preparation Workshop (live online)

UCAT Preparation Workshop (live online)

Casper Test Preparation Webinar for Curtin Medical Entry

UCAT Training Course - various levels of preparation and options available to meet individual student needs.


   medicine work experience nie ucat interviews



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